Detox Remedies

Detox Remedies

VITERAS is internationally reconised as a trusted, long standing and leadinginnovator in the field of natural for-mulations and clinical management protocols that address the safe and effective removal of systemic toxicity. A growing number of people feel tired, confused, perceive they have poor memory, find it hard to lose weight, have poor digestion and allergies. These are some of the very many com-mon symptoms that chemical and metal toxicity can cause. Essentially, it is due to high levels of toxic metals, man-made chemicals and fungal toxins disrupting bodily functions. A person suffering from systemic toxicity will find it very difficult to find a cure for their condition until the toxicity is dealt with. Treating a health issue when a person is compromised by toxicity can be like trying to stitch up a wound when the nail is still being driven into it.Currently and historically, only VITERAS formulations provide the proven broad spectrum natural solution required to solve this problem. The main binding and chelating agent in VITERAS detox products is chlorella. However, the chlorella used is very different from what is currently known about chlorella. The proprietary processing—Muco-polysaccharide Ion Exchange Resin Chelation (MIER)—developed by Dr. Tim Ray turns it into a very different substance.By shattering the cell wall of chlorella into micro and nano particles, it increases the surface area available for toxin binding. The Nano-Chlorella used in VITERAS products is capable of providing at least 50 times the toxin binding power of normal chlorella. It also provides a rich source of broad spectrum nutrients, including undena-tured Chlorella Growth Factor, in a 100% bioavailable way—easily absorbed by the body—nutrients that are not available at all with normal ‘cell wall broken’, unprocessed chlorella.

The VITERAS detox regime avoids a “Healing Crisis” during detox by working with the body at a level that the body can handle. A “Healing Cri-sis” occurs when more toxic metals, chemicals, mycotoxins, endo or exo-toxins are released into the circulation than can be bound or excreted and is a common side effect of many detox regimes. Symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, dizziness, confusion, joint aches/pains and more are caused by redistribution of toxins to the bodies tissues. In the case of toxic metals, this can be a severe problem. Correct use of VITERAS 5-Phase detox and the correct metabolic, binding and excretion support minimises the risks and symptoms of a “Healing Crisis”.MIER Chelation also does not cause the elimination of the beneficial minerals as seen with other methods of chelation. On the contrary, the chlorella processed by VITERAS provides beneficial minerals. This is where the 5-Phase VITERAS detox regime differs and surpasses the rest of the detox chelation protocols. All VITERAS remedies are manufactured in a GMP certified facility in the Swiss Alps and use only organic, wild crafted or pharmaceutically pure natural ingre-dients; all accompanied by a Certificate of Analysis ensuring no toxin presence.

Prior to starting clients on a detox protocol, I always do a pH evaluation of both urine and saliva and address any other issues that are signs of an inability to excrete toxins (e.g. constipation, infrequent bowel motions, urinary tract infections). If the values are outside the accepted range, the client is first started on a remedy that supports both kidney and liver function. Once the detox organs are up and running, they can then move on to Phase 1 of the detox protocol. In Phase 1, we concentrate on mopping up toxins in the circulation and lymph. This alone can have a remarkable effect on the health of the client. Having completed Phase 1, we move on to Phase 2, which focuses on cleansing the gut. The health of the gut is extremely important and has a huge impact on the health of the body in general. Skin conditions and mental problems (depression, insomnia etc) are two of the most common conditions that disappear in Phase 2. Phase 3 looks at cleaning out the extracellular fluid, Phase 4 in the intracellular areas and Phase 5 reaches as far as ischemic areas in the brain. 90% of patients feel amazing after completing Phase 3 and do not need to continue with the detox unless they want to.

Time and time again I’ve seen the benefits a good internal cleanse, that is done well, can bring. Above all, the clarity, energy and zest for life that a gentle, yet highly effective detox provides is invaluable. And this feeling is what my clients can’t get enough of!

During the unprecedented period of the COVID-19 lockdown, I have been inundated by patients wanting to start on the Viteras Detox protocol. I have put together a 14 day detox protocol for clients wishing to try out the first two phases of this protocol without having to book an appointment with me. The pH sticks, detox remedies and detailed instructions as well as dietary guidance are compiled in a box of cleansing goodness!