Healing Recipes

I firmly believe that nature has provided us with all the answers. Every medicinal or nutritional requirement  can be be found in nature. This knowledge has long been used by our ancestors to maintain health and well being and in recent years been harnessed by pharmaceutical companies to come up with targeted medicines and drugs. But by isolating single compounds found in nature to create potent drugs to treat ailments, a big part of is loss. Natures innate intelligence ensures that anything found in nature is of certain formulations ensuring a synergistic balance between the compounds. This synergy is also what makes herbal concoctions, potions and lotions effective when put together by an experienced healer or health practitioner. Let us not forget that our planet is our greatest teacher.

Our diet has strayed from its origins based on pure, natural foods cooked and raw. Modern diets consist of highly processed, nutrient -less foods that do nothing for our mineral and vitamin intake let alone our health. Is it any wonder that our clinics are overflowing with patients suffering from digestive issues, autoimmune conditions, allergies and cancer.

Being mindful of what we eat is important. Choosing the right foods for our digestive systems whilst ensuring they are nutritious is of paramount importance. Then again, our palate has changed so much, we might find pure food to be bland and lacking in flavour. I am on a quest to convince the general population that healthy, pure food does not have to taste like cardboard. In fact, if it does then its probably not any more nutritious than cardboard!