Bowen Technique

Tom Bowen


Named after its innovator Tom Bowen, who developed the technique in the ‘50s and ‘60s, and by 1975, was treating some 13,000 patients a year, even though he never advertised. During a typical Bowen session the client will lie on a therapy table or bed, although the work can be effectively carried out with the client in a chair.


What is The Bowen Technique?


Simply stated, the Bowen Technique resets the body to heal itself. It consists of a series of gentle moves, usually with just the thumb and finger, across muscles or tendons in a very gentle rolling motion. The moves are made on specific parts of the body, such as across muscle either side of the spine, that triggers the body’s natural  responses to heal itself. It is non-invasive, and so gentle that it is hard to believe anything is happening.It is not massage or manipulation.


Most of the work can be performed through light clothing, although some therapists prefer to work on skin. The ultimate choice should be that of the client’s. Although each session will vary according to the skill and experience of the therapist, as well as the presenting problems of the client, an initial treatment will address the whole body. As a general rule, moves will be made over the lower and mid back and legs, the upper back and shoulders before finishing with neck moves with the client supine (face up).


A feature of the work is that between sets of moves the therapist will leave the room and allow the client to rest. This is a key element of Bowen and is a defining aspect of the technique as well as being one of the most important. The break allows the body the opportunity to create a decision about what action needs to be taken in response to the Bowen moves.


Bowen can have very powerful effects on the body and it is extremely important to ensure the body is not bombarded with signals causing confusion and ultimately more harm than good.


A Bowen treatment works on many different levels. It has a marked balancing effect on the nervous system leading to a decrease in sympathetic activity (fight or flight response) and and increase in the parasympathetic activity (healing and digestion). This action alone can bring about remarkable results from pain relief, reduced stress levels, better digestion, a feeling of clarity, less anxiety and better sleep. As the body starts to process the Bowen signals and initiate healing and relaxation, the patient ‘zones out’ and the body is able to do what is necessary to heal. This initiation of healing could cause a temporary increase in inflammation, stiffness or discomfort in the area that needs healing as the body increases the blood flow to the region and stimulates the healing process. Many times, old injuries that have been long forgotten yet not fully healed, flare up. As the body goes through the healing process, it should be provided with good nutrition and hydration-eat well, rest and drink lots of water.


What can Bowen treat?


I would love to say….Everything! In my experience it has a positive impact on conditions ranging from musculoskeletal pain (back pain, plantar fascitis, shoulder pain) to allergies, asthma, fibromyalgia, migraines, PMS and even depression. As Bowen rebalances and helps your body initiate its own process of healing, the list below really is infinite.
Problems commonly addressed include:


  • Allergies (e.g. Hayfever)
  • Respiratory problems (asthma, sinusitis, fibrosis)
  • Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue
  • Headaches (migraine, sinus)
  • Digestive problem (Heartburn, indigestion)
  • Kidney and bladder disorders including incontinence
  • Knee and hip restrictions
  • Menstrual and other female problems
  • Pelvic (tilt, leg length, hip imbalance)
  • Repetitive stress injury (RSI)- tennis elbow, carpal tunnel   syndrome
  • Sciatica
  • Skeletal and muscular problems from lumbar to neck
  • TMJ (clicking jaw) and grinding of the teeth
  • Scars (adhesions and reduced healing)
  • Stress and fatigue


The most common presentation is back pain, and this is where Bowen excels. The average number of treatments would be two or three for most therapists. There are always going to be exceptions to any rule, and certain people will need further or even on-going treatments.


Frozen shoulders are a particular favourite, as are neck pain, hayfever (allergic rhinitis), asthma and migraines.
Sports injury is a field of remedial therapy that is becoming very aware of The Bowen Technique. Not only do sportsmen report fewer injuries when treated regularly but they also notice an increase in performance.

What do the Bowen Therapy sessions involve?

1st Bowen treatment (30-45 mins) – general treatment to assess the responsiveness of the body and create overall balance. The initial treatment will address the whole body. As a general rule, moves will be made over the lower and middle back and legs, the upper back and shoulders before finishing with neck moves with the client supine (face-up).

Subsequent sessions will last approximately 45 minutes to one hour. The second session is booked for 5-7 days after the first, to ensure an adequate healing period. During this time, no other therapies should be undertaken e.g. acupuncture, massage. This is to ensure the Bowen signals are not disrupted and healing can take place. The 2nd treatment is a targeted approach to specific imbalances in the body.

How many Bowen treatments do I need?
Most people will respond within three sessions, when even long-standing chronic pain can be relieved. Chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, stroke patients and Parkinson’s might need to be treated more often. Most of my clients return for a treatment every six to eight weeks for a top up. As the body heals itself, there is no need to return for multiple sessions unless you re-injure yourself or feel it necessary. I always leave the choice up to my clients. After all, your body knows best! Many of my clients continue to see me for detox sessions or mitochondrial therapy.

What should I wear?
Most of the work can be performed through light clothing (shorts/pants and a light cotton T-shirt), although some therapists prefer to work on skin. The ultimate choice is yours.
Male clients are advised to bring a pair of shorts along.
Dos & Dont’s
It is vital that a client does not cease the treatment in response to a strong reaction. The moves are so subtle that if a strong reaction is experienced it demonstrates how profound the work can be and further treatments are essential if the full effect is going to be felt.
A fairly strong rule of Bowen is that it should not be mixed with other therapies. The treatment is in effect asking the body to undertake a process of repair and so should be allowed to do so without interruption or contradiction. A client will be asked not to have other forms of physical or energetic therapy whilst receiving Bowen treatments and to leave a period of a week either side.
Drink a glass of water after the treatment to encourage lymph drainage and blood flow.
Avoid any strenuous activities within 24 hours after a Bowen session.