Bowen Therapy For Pregnancy & Fertility

Bowen Therapy For Fertility

Bowen Therapy has a very important role to play in the health care of women before, during and after pregnancy.
Trials in the UK, Australia and New Zealand, using the Bowen Technique on infertile couples, have met with remarkable success and Bowen specialists worldwide report on the fast and effective results of this technique in treating infertility (reports The Guardian, August 2001).

Bowen is a very gentle system of realigning the body and assists the body to find its natural balance, on a muscular and skeletal level, chemical and hormonal and well as energetically. Fertility issues appear to be focused on the brain-pituitary-ovarian axis. Stress, negative emotions, and unbalanced FSH disrupt the hormonal communication between the brain, pituitary, and ovaries. Sympathetic overdrive decreases ovarian blood flow and egg production as well. This is where the Bowen Technique excels-rebalancing the nervous system to increase parasympathetic activity leading to a balancing out of hormones, decreased stress levels and increased blood flow throughout the body.
Bowen can also be used along side all fertility treatments such as Clomid challenge, IUI and IVF.

The Bowen Technique (Bowen Therapy) is integral for Mothers-To-Be as it is one of the only therapies that can be performed in its entirety with the patient sitting down or lying on their side.
Bowen Therapy can treat all COMMON PREGNANCY pains!

As the centre of gravity changes during pregnancy, so do the stresses on the spine. Many problems suffered during pregnancy may be directly related to the health of the spine. Common pregnancy pains are easily and gently relieved almost immediately with Bowen Therapy and is very relaxing for the expectant mother.

Common pregnancy pains the mother may experience are:

Hip Pain & SPD
Breast Tenderness
Aching legs
Nausea / Dizziness
Decreased energy levels

The spine and pelvis of an expectant mother are particularly vulnerable because of the stress of carrying an unborn baby. Hormonal changes make the pelvis suppler during the latter part of pregnancy. This is when the terrible back aches seem to not only intensify, but also appear more frequently as the baby gets heavier. The instability of the pelvis can lead to other strains being felt in the spine and supporting muscles and ligaments.

Pregnancy can create new problems but can also exacerbate existing ones.

The process of childbirth puts tremendous stresses and strains on the musculoskeletal system. This includes the spine, pelvis, supporting muscles and ligaments. As these structures are suppler for some time after birth due to the hormonal changes, there may be an increased susceptibility to injury.

The birth itself can leave the mother in a lot of lower back and pelvic pain. There is also the added strain on the spine whilst nursing, feeding and caring for the baby.